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Genuine Careprost
21 Apr

How to Grow Eyelashes in a Week by Genuine Careprost?

Do you have thin eyelashes? Are you wondering how to make your eyelashes grow thick and strong? Genuine Careprost is the solution that will make your eyelashes thick and strong. The women worldwide suffer from the problem of eyelashes and they aspire to have long, fuller and beautiful ones. In movies you might have noticed perfect eyelashes. But then how will you be able to get eyelashes like your favorite film star

Answer is Careprost

  • It is been clinically proven by studies that Careprost is an effective remedy for making your eyelashes strong and thick.
  • The customers have also recommended using it. This is an eye drop solution that will provide gorgeous, thick and long eyelashes.
  • It will take certain weeks to get your desired eyelashes. So, you are required to use Careprost on daily basis and in the right manner.
  • This eye drop is safe for people. You must seek the consultation of doctor before start using it.
  • This consultation is needed as there are medical situations in which genuine Careprost or Bimatoprost must not be used. Hence, you must ask your doctor before the usage of this product.

Importance of Careprost

  • It is an international brand that is also used to treat glaucoma and provide lovely and thick eyelashes.
  • The key ingredient in this eye solution is Bimatoprost. You will find it with various names in the market.
  • It will come in 3 ml Bimatoprost ophthalmic solution and encourages eyelashes growth.

Why not to use fake eyelash extensions and eyelashes?

  • You must understand that why eyelash extensions and fake ones are not suitable for you. You must have also realized that these measures are not permanent.
  • You can use these things for a day or two. But these eyelashes come with glue strip that is smeared on natural eyelash.
  • The eyelash extensions can be applied one at the time. It is quite a time consuming one and can be done only by professionals working in salon.
  • It takes a lot of time for setting this up but it is not also permanent solution. It will only last for 4-3 weeks.
  • These eyelashes are made from silk, synthetic hair and mink. So, in this article you must know that you will grow your eyelashes naturally.

Why thick and long eyelashes are needed?

  • The thick, long and strong eyelashes make you look attractive and beautiful. The eyelashes play an important role by preventing unwanted things to enter into eye.
  • Each of eyelashes is a sensory hair and when dirt, dust, and insects enter in eye then eyelashes get closed.

Uses of Genuine Careprost

  • It contains Bimatoprost as a main ingredient that is used for treating hypotrichosis. This is a disorder where you suffer from short eyelashes.
  • The eye drops such as genuine Careprost helps to treat eyelashes with irregular growth.

Where you can buy Genuine Careprost?

  • Are you seeking for genuine Careprost? You will get attractive deals and offers from safegenericpharmacy.
  • There is genuine Careprost on the website. The eye drops is delivered at the shared address. You are required to share address, nearest landmark and local phone number.
  • best place to buy careprost is safegenericpharmacy

Why Careprost is prescribed?

It is prescribed for below-discussed ailments.

  • Open-angle Glaucoma- It is used for treating open-angle glaucoma. It is a condition where optic nerve agonizes from spoilage that can result in vision loss.
  • Intraocular hypertension- The person with intraocular hypertension can use this eye solution. It reduces fluid pressure in the eyes.
  • Hypotrichosis- Treatment of individuals with less quantity of eyelashes. It enhances thickness, length and color.

How Careprost works?

  • genuine Careprost is widely used for individuals with irregular growth of eyelashes. It provides dark and thick eyelashes and improves blood pressure in eye.
  • The enhanced pressure destroys optic nerve affecting the growth of the same. Bimat eye drops or genuine Careprost is a prostaglandin that performs hair growth.

How to use Careprost eye drop?

  • You can put drop in the eyelid by eyeliner brush.
  • Apply eye drops in the lower part of eyelashes.
  • You must apply it daily for 3-4 weeks. Also, then use three times a week.
  • The thin brush will not allow wasting the liquid.
  • Each 3 ml of bottle lasts for four or five weeks.

Side effects

Certain side effects are: double vision, blindness, blurred vision, eye discharge, change in color, headache, increase in hair growth, redness, eye swelling and itching or burning.


  • Hypersensitivity
  • Inflammation of iris
  • Abnormal liver function tests
  • Missing eye lens
  • Inflammation of eye
  • Degeneration of eye
  • Macular swelling

Precautions while using Careprost eye drops

  • Out the drops as per the doctors directions
  • You can check the instructions on label
  • Don’t use eye drops if you have the history of swelling.
  • Nursing mother and pregnant women must not use this.
  • Don’t use it with contact lenses on. Remove the contact lenses and then apply it. Wear contact lenses after 15-20 mins.

Storage of Careprost eye drops

  • The eye drops must be stored away from kids. Also, it must be kept at dry and cool place away from light and heat.
  • The eye drops must be used only for 4-5 weeks after opening the bottle. Then you must throw it and use the new one.

Read more: How to buy Careprost USA with Free Shipping?


Careprost is an eye solution that is used for making eye lashes thicker and strong naturally. The fake eyelashes and extensions are not the permanent solution.

So, you must use genuine Careprost eye drops as it will also reduce ocular hypertension and treat glaucoma. You must take care while applying it in the eyes.

So, you must go to the doctor if you are feeling irregular growth of eyelashes. It is clinically proven that this eye drop helps in thick growth of eyelashes.

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